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The Primary Colors of SPEAKING LOVE.

How to enhance and heal relationships by understanding how different personalities speak the same love Languages differently.

This 16-page in-depth, detailed personality love language booklet allows attendees to take the Primary Colors Personality Test and study major strengths and potential pitfalls of each personality color as they relate to relationships, and how each personality speaks the same love language differently.

Statements: Declaration vs. Validation
Play: Pleasure vs. Fun
Environment: Adventure vs. Experience
Appearance: Attractive vs. Healthy
Kindness & Grace: Forgiveness vs. Acceptance
Intimacy: Sexual vs. Affectionate
Nearness: Vicinity vs. Attention
Generosity: Financial vs. Sentimental
Loving Action: Responsible vs. Sacrificial
Openness: Honesty vs. Vulnerability
Veneration:  Honor vs. Admiration
Entrustment: Belief vs. Hope

"In the past few years I have had the privilege of sharing the platform with some of the greatest individuals of the 20th Century. Rarely have I met anyone that has a message as timely and powerful as that of Dawn Billings. Dawn has an insight that is unique and a delivery that makes people want to succeed. She truly understands the heart of success."
Jim Stovall, Co-founder and President of the Narrative Television Network, author of The Ultimate Gift, You Don't Have to Be Blind to See, and Success Secrets of Super Achievers

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