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60 Days to Success: A Woman's Guide to Getting What She Wants

This book asks you to take 60 days to do exercises and anwer questions that will help you obtain what you want from life. Each day you concentrate on one new concept and at the end of 60 days, you won't believe how much focus and clarity you have.

"In the past few years I have had the privilege of sharing the platform with some of the greatest individuals of the 20th Century. Rarely have I met anyone that has a message as timely and powerful as that of Dawn Billings. Dawn has an insight that is unique and a delivery that makes people want to succeed. She truly understands the heart of success."
Jim Stovall, Co-founder and President of the Narrative Television Network, author of The Ultimate Gift, You Don't Have to Be Blind to See, and Success Secrets of Super Achievers

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