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The ABC´s Of Great People Skills
"The ABC's of Great People Skills gives 26 ideas, that if put into practice would end both World Wars, and our national wrangling. The one I like best is To Forgive Dumb People! Boy wouldn't that be a change. Instead of pointing fingers and labeling everyone, ultra-liberals, feminazis, racists, homophobics or fascists, we would say to ourselves, hey, it's my job to forgive dumb people. Peace would reign immediately!"
Dr. Foster Cline, Co-author of the best selling Parenting with Love and Logic series.

“Young Corbin Billings, with the help of his mother Dawn, make living a life of kindness and compassion a moral imperative.  What a great world it would be if we joined him.  His dedication and commitment to life are inspiring.”
Barbara Chesser, Ph.D., President, Success Motivation®, Inc.

"Simple but profound concepts are the ones that have the power to change the world, this book is full of simple thoughts with the power to make a difference."
Jack Canfield, Co-creator, #1 New York Times Best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul.(R)

"The Bible teaches it! . . . and a little child shall lead them. That prophecy is fulfilled in the life of Corbin Billings and his books. Any adult could gain wisdom, as I have, from reading his good words."
Dr. Robert H. Schuller, The Crystal Cathedral ministries

"The ABC's of Great People Skills gives 26 ideas, that if put into practice would end both World Wars, and our national wrangling. The one I like best is To Forgive Dumb People! Boy wouldn't that be a change. Instead of pointing fingers and labeling everyone, ultra-liberals, feminazis, racists, homophobics or fascists, we would say to ourselves, hey, it's my job to forgive dumb people. Peace would reign immediately!"
Dr. Foster Cline, Co-author of the best selling Parenting with Love and Logic series.

"Simple but profound concepts are the ones that have the power to change the world, this book is full of simple thoughts with the power to make a difference."
Jack Canfield, Co-creator, #1 New York Times Best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul.

“This is a wonderful piece of writing that every person should read, both adult and child.  These 26 simple steps will change your thinking and change your life.”
Brian Tracy, Brain Tracy International

“I love this book, it is written in easy to read bite-sized pieces that give you instant insights that you can use to live our life.  Read this book and wow yourself.”
Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator, #1 New York Times Best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul.®”

“Young Corbin Billings makes living a life of kindness and compassion a moral imperative.  What a great world it would be if we joined him.  His dedication and commitment to life are inspiring.”
Barbara Chesser, Ph.D., President, Success Motivation®, Inc.

I applaud young Corbin Billings for his stand for peace.  May this book inspire all of us, young and old, to stand side by side peacefully and compassionately.”
Paul J. Meyer, Founder, Success Motivation® Institute, Inc.

"In the past few years I have had the privilege of sharing the platform with some of the greatest individuals of the 20th Century. Rarely have I met anyone that has a message as timely and powerful as that of Dawn Billings. Dawn has an insight that is unique and a delivery that makes people want to succeed. She truly understands the heart of success."
Jim Stovall, Co-founder and President of the Narrative Television Network, author of The Ultimate Gift, You Don't Have to Be Blind to See, and Success Secrets of Super Achievers

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